“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” - Dr. Seuss
Follow me. Got your ready bag? Grab it. Both handles? Lets go.
I am me and you are you. In essence, you comparing yourself to me or me comparing myself to you, we are actually comparing ourselves to ourselves of who we are not. Coincidentally, the idea of being someone else or comparative to someone else simply highlights what we do or do not see in ourselves.

I think the quote is a great summation. Facebook posts/statuses, instagram hashtags, epic trip picture albums, check-ins from exotic places of people doing exotic things. This is the reason why people face so many insecurities. It's because we use social media to gauge our own successes against others. but why? It makes no sense. Any champion will tell you that it's the years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears that no one ever sees is what makes the champion, so why do we constantly wish we were someone else, or harbor a secret jealousy for someone who we perceive is 'doing better' than us in 'life'.
I digress. My post is about a single thing. I've found in my life that I, as much as I truly would like to believe, am not good at everything I do. I am not nearly as handsome, smart, funny, or strong as I think I am - and that's OK. For the longest time, I struggled with trying to define who I was and who I wanted to become. Then it dawned on me, I am who I am and will never be anyone else. It was up to me to be the best person that I know I could become.
So here it is, my advice to you: Want to be happy? Be you... but always be on the look out on how to be a better you. Is the you of tomorrow better at running? better at your job? predicting stocks? cutting wood? or being a better cook? Whatever you is waiting tomorrow, just remember that that person is dependent on what you do today.
For you.
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