So I'm driving home just now and the excitement I'm feeling is overwhelming. In less than 24 hours I'll be on a plane heading to El Salvador. Wow. I actually get to say that. For starters, please don't think that this is will be an entire entry on me saying "woohoo everyone look how good of a person I am". It's precisely the opposite of that. This opportunity is a blessing. This trip isn't about me, it isn't about Liquid Church or Liquid Water International, it isn't about the little knick-knacks us Americans are bringing to a destitute village in El Salvador. None of that even matters. What really matters is that my heart, my group's heart, my church's heart and your heart that lies within the work that will be done. Transcending above that, it is with God's heart that we are able to carry out His will in a capacity that will effect not only those who we serve, but ourselves as well.
To be honest, I don't even know how I got here. Never in a million years would I have thought my New Year's resolution of writing a single blog entry a month would include a pre-adventure schpiel about going to El Salvador. That my friends, is the glory of God. Time and time again, I've found that as I lean harder and harder on God and depend on His grace, do I find the miracles that happen in my life. I've also figured out that it has nothing to do with what I'm doing, what I think I'm capable of or how I think I'm doing something to control my own life.
I don't know what to expect of this trip. I don't know what impact we will have nor how I will be impacted, but there's an incredible excitement that I can see rightnow in front of my face and I know for sure I'm called to share the power of this testimony with all of you who have taken the time to read on. I mean this when I say it, no empty words here, we are all in this together. I don't care if you gave money, prayed, or even spent more than second thinking about it. This trip is about the communion of people, the salvation of the Lord's promise and the many different ways love can be shown in this world... and for me, that's a big damn deal.